The TECC Corps

Volunteer Opportunites at TECC

We have a saying here at TECC: "You couldn't pay our volunteers to do what they do." They wouldn't take the money! TECC Corps members give freely of their time because it is important to them to support TECC's mission. They know that giving freely for a cause you believe in is the best compensation a person could want. You are invited to participate in any way you can. A little bit or a whole lot -- it doesn't matter. It all adds up to a healthy watershed and a thriving community.

TECC welcomes college internships!

Contact the TECC Office for more information on any of these opportunities, or call 760.471.9354.


Membership database support

Preparing weekly response mailings to donors and members

Office clerical support, filing, phones, outreach

Support of property database

Create an information file of non-government organizations


Citizen monitoring of the creek

Property monitoring

Conducting or coordinating interpretive outings

Committee Support

Serve on the Lands Management and Acquisition Committee

Serve on the Land Use and Watershed Committee

Serve on the Membership Outreach and Education (MOE) Committee

Serve on the Water Quality Committee

Serve on the Fundraising Development Committee

Community Outreach

Tabling at events and local merchants

Special Projects

Research Scenic Byway designation

Creek signage program in the City of Escondido and County of San Diego

Interpretive Center project support: architectural, interpretive design, construction

Wax the tool trailer

Develop a Board Manual

Develop a Board Recruitment Manual

Develop a Volunteer Manual

Develop a Policies and Procedures Manual


Research and support grant application processing, working with the Executive Director


